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How to Change App Icons on an Android Phone

app icon

Modern smartphones based on the Android operating system allow their owners to customize their use most conveniently. Moreover, they can do it to the smallest detail. When personalizing your gadget, the icon-changing application is a popular one. Below, we will look at how to change icons on Android devices so that your phone looks exactly the way you want it to look and is comfortable.

Changing Іcons. First Steps to Take

Before proceeding with customization, you need to figure out how to change icons on Android. This is usually done through the launcher settings. Specifically, the one you are using. Familiarize yourself with your launcher by checking out the icon change options it provides.

  • Choose a launcher

The most common launchers provide advanced icon-changing features. These include Action Launcher, Nova Launcher, and Microsoft Launcher. Download and install the appropriate launcher from the Google Play Store.

  • Select icons

Choose a set of symbols that you like. This can be a choice from external packages available in app stores. It can also be the standard set of the launcher.

When making changes to the way your Android device looks, it is important to keep your symbols consistent. Especially if you are using MacOS. That is why if you were wondering whether to change icon or not, you should put aside any doubts for the following reason. Changing MacOS app icons will provide a common style in the visual unity of your digital environment. Thus, you can easily create a common interface for your devices by changing the symbols of Android apps. Then, adapt them to the overall aesthetics of MacOS symbols.

Using Custom App Icons

If you want to have unique signs on your device, use custom app icon packs.

  • Download an icon pack

Choose the icon pack you like. There are many resources on the Internet where you can find a variety of custom icon packs. These are designed for Android devices. Download a symbol pack that suits your taste and style. Download it from the App Store. Among the popular packs are Vibion, Whicons, and CandyCons.

  • Customize the launcher

After downloading the icon pack, go to the settings of your launcher. It is responsible for displaying the signs on the main screen of the device. In the launcher settings, find the section dedicated to the visual appearance. Some launchers have built-in tools for changing figures. In others, this option can be found in the Appearance section, Themes, or the Change Icons option or similar. Select the downloaded custom sign pack. Then customize it to your liking.

Changing Individual Icons

There may be times when you want to change only some symbols, not all of them. There are many different situations. Partial changes are also possible.

  • Help from the launcher

Some launchers allow you to change individual symbols in the easiest way possible. That is, by simply holding them with your finger and selecting Edit from the context menu.

Many launchers have built-in tools for changing individual signs. If you have chosen a launcher that supports this feature, follow these steps:

  • go to Settings,
  • find the Help or Reference option,
  • you will find guidelines for changing individual icons on the home screen. 

Usually, this means selecting a specific symbol from the list. You can also upload your own images.

  • Using additional tools

If your launcher does not position itself as the simplest Android icon changer, you can use additional tools. Namely, install third-party applications to change individual signs. Many applications on Google Play allow you to personalize your signs. So,

  • download the application, 
  • select the specific icons you like, 
  • set them for particular apps or folders. 

This will allow you to create a unique look for each item on your home screen.

As we can see, changing the icons on Android is a great way to give your device a special look. You can use the capabilities of your launcher. Also, custom symbol packs. Using the tips described above, create your own unique design for your Android device. And let the stylish interface that matches your personal preferences be both convenient and satisfying to your aesthetic tastes.